Monday, December 17, 2007

Final day of the year...18/11/2007

Among all the terms...i mostly hate to hear are "final day" and "first day"...
it give an abstract meaning that means "the ending of all" and "the start of all"...
why ? course...
when all ends,the one that left are "sadness" and "loneliness"...
when all start over again,of course there is "hope" and "happiness"...but it also contain the chance of "getting the sadness again"...means the recycle of life...
well...just an expression of feeling...
lets start the story...
that day is the final day for L6Sc...means everyone will go back to their hometown and going into separate ways...
only a few of us manage to celebrate the day...that me,kwong,kenny,zinlu,beehun,meiyun anf H.
ermmm...not actually celebrate...we just yamcha and give zinlu her present...
well a bit of Dota to drove away the boredom...hihi...

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